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 Our online booking appointments are ready for you to book 

we still have all our cleaning and safety in place

track and trace system 

we ask you please wear a mask or face covering when coming into the salon

please stay safe and we can't wait to see you and get that feel good back again

 We are following all guidelines and procedures ready for us

to open and welcome you back in a safe, clean and sterile environment.

Hand sanitiser for when you first enter Reception area screen.

Staff at beaches will all be wearing masks, shields, gloves and aprons.

You can scan the NHS trace app from your phone

Please do not bring anyone with you to your appointment unless needed.

Please arrive on time do not arrive early as we have to limit the amount of people in the salon at one time.

This is now the new norm for a while anyway and we will talk and assist

you at all times



Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or queries and we

look forward to your visit soon

Love from us all at Beaches 

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